Purpose, Scope, Basis, and Definitions
ARTICLE 1- (1) The purpose of this Directive is to determine the principles and procedures regarding the aims, fields of activity, administrative bodies, duties of the boards, and working methods of the Üsküdar University Coordination Unit for Combating Addiction.
ARTICLE 2- (1) This Directive covers the provisions regarding the purposes, fields of activity, duties, and working methods of the Üsküdar University Coordination Unit for Combating Addiction.
ARTICLE 3- (1) This Directive is based on the provisions of Article 14 of Higher Education Law No. 2547, the Regulation on the Implementation of Health, Culture, and Sports Affairs Department of Higher Education Institutions, published in the Official Gazette No. 18301 dated 03.02.1984, the National Strategy Document and Action Plan on Combating Addiction prepared by the High Council for Combating Addiction as stated in the Presidential Circular No. 30686, published in the Official Gazette dated 14.02.2019, Law No. 4207 on the Prevention and Control of the Harmful Effects of Tobacco Products, the Circular No. 2016/6 issued by the Turkish Ministry of Health's Public Health Institution, the Üsküdar University Smoke-Free Campus Directive, and the Üsküdar University Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Code of Conduct Directive.
Definitions and Abbreviations
ARTICLE 4- (1) The terms in this Directive refer to the following:
Coordination Unit Chairperson: Chairperson of the Üsküdar University Coordination Unit for Combating Addiction,
Coordination Unit: Üsküdar University Coordination Unit for Combating Addiction,
Rector: Rector of Üsküdar University,
Senate: Senate of Üsküdar University,
ÜU: Üsküdar University.
Üsküdar University Coordination Unit for Combating Addiction
Bodies and Duties
Bodies of the Coordination Unit
ARTICLE 5- (1) The bodies of the Üsküdar University Coordination Unit for Combating Addiction consist of the Scientific Committee and the Executive Committee.
Coordination Unit Chairperson
ARTICLE 6- (1) The Chairperson of the Coordination Unit is appointed by the Rector from among the vice-rectors or faculty members for a period of three years. The Chairperson, whose term has expired, may be reappointed, or may be removed by the Rector before the expiration of the term if deemed necessary.
Duties of the Coordination Unit Chairperson
ARTICLE 7- (1) The Chairperson of the Coordination Unit is responsible for ensuring the regular operation of the Scientific Committee and the Executive Committee and takes all necessary measures for this purpose.
Scientific Committee
ARTICLE 8- (1) The Scientific Committee of the Coordination Unit consists of at least eight faculty members and assistants specializing in protecting individual and public health from addictions such as technology, gaming, electronics, gambling, alcohol, tobacco, substance use, and other threats to public health. The board members elect a chairperson among themselves.
Duties of the Scientific Committee
ARTICLE 9- (1) The Scientific Committee ensures collaboration with relevant university units, public and private institutions, and non-governmental organizations to establish policies, set strategies, and develop action plans on combating addiction at national and international levels.
(a) Reports opinions on the annual work plan, research projects, and training activities to the university administration regularly.
(b) Evaluates and provides recommendations on ongoing studies and activities.
(c) Prepares the scientific and administrative plans and programs for the Executive Committee.
Executive Committee
ARTICLE 10- (1) The Executive Committee of the Coordination Unit, chaired by the Rector or a Vice-Rector appointed by the Rector, consists of representatives from Üsküdar University's academic and administrative units.
(2) The Coordination Unit meets twice a year (in the spring and fall semesters) upon the Chairperson's call, with a quorum of the absolute majority of its members, and makes decisions by consensus/majority. In case of a tie, the Chairperson’s vote counts as two votes.
Duties of the Executive Committee
ARTICLE 11- (1) The duties of the Executive Committee are as follows:
(a) Prepares scientific and administrative plans and programs in line with the goals set by the Scientific Committee and determines working principles and procedures.
(b) Directs applications in line with the defined objectives, forms working groups, and organizes them.
(c) Prepares the annual activity report to be presented to the Scientific Committee.
(d) Evaluates research and implementation projects, course and similar training proposals with contributions from the Scientific Committee and designates individuals, institutions, and university units for these tasks.
(e) Forms subcommittees related to the activities of the Coordination Board and determines members to serve on these committees.
ARTICLE 12- (1) The provisions of Article 14 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547 and the National Strategy Document on Combating Addiction and the Action Plan prepared by the High Council for Combating Addiction, as stated in the Presidential Circular No. 30686, published in the Official Gazette dated 14.02.2019, are applied in this Directive, along with the decisions of the Senate.
ARTICLE 13- (1) This Directive has come into force with Senate decision No. 2024-34, dated 24.10.2024.
ARTICLE 14- (1) The provisions of this Directive are executed by the Rector.